BSBBBig Sister Big Brother
BSBBBig Sisters and Big Brothers
BSBBBiophysics, Structural Biology and Biomathematics
BSBBBurns School of Black Belts (UK)
BSBBBroad Street Boogie Band
BSBBBranch to Subroutine Byte (VAX)
BSBBBachelor of Science and Bachelor of Business
BSBBBond Street Blues Band
BSBBBahraini Saudi Bank, Bahrain
BSBBBefore Stress, Before Babies
BSBBBlue Spruce Bed and Breakfast (Oregon)
BSBBBread Soup and Beer Bar
BSBBBlue Streak Blues Band
BSBBBrass Swan Bed and Breakfast (Branson, Missouri)
BSBBBadger Short Bus Brigade (UW-Madison student football fans)