

单词 con man

con man

con man

n. Slang A confidence man.

con man

n informal a person who swindles another by means of a confidence trick. More formal term: confidence man

con′fidence man`

n. a person who swindles others by means of a confidence game; swindler. [1840–50, Amer.]
Noun1.con man - a swindler who exploits the confidence of his victimcon man - a swindler who exploits the confidence of his victimcon artist, confidence manchiseler, chiseller, defrauder, grifter, scammer, swindler, gouger - a person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud


(kon) past tense past participle conned verb to trick or persuade dishonestly. He conned her into giving him money. 哄騙 哄骗 noun a dishonest trick. 騙局 骗局ˈcon man noun someone who cons people. 騙子 骗子

con man

con man

1. A man who exploits the vulnerability of others for his own sake by manipulating and taking advantage of their confidence (the act of which is known as a confidence trick or game). It is the common abbreviation of the full term, "confidence man." Be wary of con men who send emails claiming to be a bank or some other trustworthy establishment: they often ask for your personal bank details so as to have access to your finances.2. By extension, a man who is skilled at duplicity, cajolery, or self-serving manipulation or persuasion. John is such a con man, always convincing others to pay for him on nights out under the pretense that he'll "pay them back later."See also: con, man

con man

and con artist n. someone who makes a living by swindling people. Gary is a con artist, but at least he’s not on the dole. I was taken by a real con man! See also: con, man

con man

Related to con man: firefly, con artist
  • noun

Synonyms for con man

noun a swindler who exploits the confidence of his victim


  • con artist
  • confidence man

Related Words

  • chiseler
  • chiseller
  • defrauder
  • grifter
  • scammer
  • swindler
  • gouger




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