

单词 edi



abbreviation for (Commerce) electronic data interchange: an interactive electronic system that enables a supplier and a customer to communicate easily
scambio di dati



Electronic Data Interchange


(Electronic Data Interchange) The electronic communication of business transactions, such as orders, confirmations and invoices, between organizations. Third parties provide EDI services that enable organizations with different equipment to connect. Although interactive access may be a part of it, EDI implies direct computer-to-computer transactions into vendors' databases and ordering systems.

The Internet gave EDI quite a boost. However, rather than using privately owned networks and the traditional EDI data formats (X12, EDIFACT and TRADACOMS), many business transactions are formatted in XML and transported over the Internet using the HTTP Web protocol. See X12, EDIFACT, TRADACOMS, extranet, externalization, XML and HTTP.



The use of structured electronic messages or email to transfer lab results, prescriptions, etc., from one computer system or setting to another.


Abbreviation for electronic data interchange.

estimated daily intake



The presumed daily exposure to or consumption of an nutrient or chemical residue.



See: Electronic Data Interchange

Electronic Data Interchange

A strictly structured form of business-to-business communication. Electronic data interchange involves the transfer of formal documents, such as orders, invoices, and even checks. Companies provide EDI services to more than 80,000 clients, but the system receives significant competition from various services offered over the Internet.


EDIElectronic Data Interchange
EDIElectron Drift Instrument (Cluster spacecraft)
EDIEidgenössisches Departement des Innern
EDIElectronic Document Interchange
EDIElectronic Data Interface
EDIEconomic Development Institute (Washington, DC)
EDIEating Disorder Inventory
EDIEnterprise Data Integration
EDIEconomic Development Initiative
EDIElectronic Data Information
EDIEnterprise Development Initiative (various locations)
EDIElectrodeionization (removal of ionized salts from water using electricity)
EDIEnvironnement de Développement Intégré (French: Integrated Development Environment)
EDIEquality, Diversity and Inclusion
EDIEchange de Données Informatisées (French: Electronic Data Interchange)
EDIEarly Detection and Intervention
EDIEnhanced Defense Intelligence (Mass Effect; video game)
EDIExternal Data Interface
EDIElectronic Dealer Information
EDIEnhanced Device Interface
EDIExternal Display Interface
EDIElectrical Design and Installation (various companies)
EDIEducation Development International (UK)
EDIEssentiel de la Distribution Informatique (French: Essentials of Computer Distribution; magazine)
EDIExtreme Deep Invader (fictional/movie aircraft)
EDIElectronic Document Imaging
EDIEthereal Darkness Interactive (game)
EDIÉditions et Diffusions Internationales (French: Publishing and Broadcast International)
EDIÉdition, Diffusion, Information (French: Publishing, Broadcasting, Dissemination)
EDIEdinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom - Turnhouse (Airport Code)
EDIEnterprise Development International
EDIExecutive Director, Inc. (Milwaukee, WI)
EDIExpertises et Diagnostics en Immobilier (French: Diagnostics and Expertise in Real Estate)
EDIExtended Destination Index (register in x86 processors)
EDIElectronic Discharge Instruction (medical discharge)
EDIEdge-Directed Interpolation (image processing)
EDIElectro Diesel Ireland
EDIEuropean Drug Index
EDIESQ Development Institute
EDIEngineering, Design, and Inspection
EDIEvaluate, Develop, Implement
EDIEmployee Development Inventory
EDIExplain, Demonstrate, Imitate
EDIEuropean Defense Identity
EDIESSEC (École Supérieure des Sciences Économiques et Commerciales) Développement International (French: Superior School of Economic Science and Business International Development)
EDIEnvironmental Developers, Inc.




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