

单词 bsd



(chemical engineering) barrels per stream day


Berkeley Software Distribution


(Berkeley Software Distribution) The software distribution facility of the Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG) of the University of California at Berkeley. CSRG helped develop the TCP/IP protocols for DARPA and the ARPAnet and released them in the early 1980s along with the Unix source code from AT&T. BSD charged for the media, and a license from AT&T was required for use. Throughout the 1980s, this operating system release from BSD was known as "BSD Unix."

Bill Joy ran the group until 1982 when he co-founded Sun Microsystems, bringing 4.2BSD with him as the foundation of SunOS. The last BSD version released by BSD was 4.4BSD.

Many Offshoots
In the 1990s, the AT&T kernel was removed from the BSD release, and several different groups developed new kernels to replace the AT&T code.

BSD/386 and BSD/OS
In 1991, former CSRG members founded Berkeley Software Design, Inc., Colorado Springs, CO, and released BSD/386 for the Intel platform. A decade later, Wind River Systems (www.windriver.com) acquired BSDI's software assets and turned the OS into its BSD/OS Internet Server product.

FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD
Out of all open source BSD operating systems, FreeBSD (www.freebsd.org) is the most widely used. It runs on Intel and Alpha platforms and is known for its ease of use. NetBSD (www.netbsd.org) runs on the greatest number of platforms, and OpenBSD (www.openbsd.org) is the most security-oriented. OpenBSD evolved from NetBSD and also runs on a variety of hardware. A long-established BSD support site can be found at www.daemonnews.org.



The ISO 4217 currency code for Bahamas Dollar.


ISO 4217 code for the Bahamian dollar. Issued in 1966, it is pegged to the U.S. dollar at a 1:1 ratio. This allows the Bahamas to appeal to tourists economically; indeed, many businesses accept both American and Bahamian dollars.


BSDBerkeley Software Distribution (various UNIX flavors)
BSDBahamian Dollar
BSDBlue Screen of Death (Windows NT Unrecoverable Error)
BSDBlack Shoe Diaries (blog; Penn State University)
BSDBlue State Digital (various locations)
BSDBoise School District (Boise, ID)
BSDBram Stoker's Dracula
BSDBerkeley Software Distribution
BSDBounded Slow Down
BSDBusiness Solutions Development
BSDBlind Spot Detection
BSDBerkeley Source Distribution
BSDBellevue School District (Bellevue, WA)
BSDBerkeley Standard Distribution (Unix)
BSDBumi Serpong Damai (Jakarta, Indonesia)
BSDBetter Software Development (various locations)
BSDBuilding Services Department (various organizations)
BSDBrookhaven School District (Mississippi)
BSDBattery Status Display
BSDBuilding Systems Design, Inc
BSDBremerton School District (Bremerton, WA)
BSDBuilding Services Division (various locations)
BSDBiomolecular Structure and Dynamics
BSDBehavioral Sciences Division (various organizations)
BSDBlind Spot Detection (vehicular safety)
BSDBirch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture (mathematics)
BSDBellingham School District (Bellingham, WA)
BSDBelgian Shepherd Dog
BSDBible Study Discussion
BSDBasic Science Department (various universities)
BSDBasic Skills Development (various locations)
BSDBusiness Services Development
BSDBuilding Safety Division (various locations)
BSDBusiness Solution Design
BSDBritvic Soft Drinks (UK)
BSDBooneville School District (Booneville, MS)
BSDBenefit Services Division (various organizations)
BSDBusiness and Sustainable Development
BSDBuilding Solutions Division
BSDBig Scary Daemons
BSDBead Seat Diameter (tires/rims)
BSDBiochemical Science Division (various locations)
BSDBack Seat Driver
BSDBusiness Specification Document
BSDBusiness Systems Design
BSDBusiness Solution Department
BSDBiological Sperm Donor
BSDBermuda Shorts Day (University of Calgary)
BSDBlack Studies Database
BSDBlack Spiral Dancer (gaming term from White-Wolf)
BSDBitstream Syntax Description (computer programming)
BSDBark Spectral Distortion
BSDBachelor of Science in Design
BSDBangladesher Samajtantrik Dal
BSDBlack Spawn Den (Asheron's Call Game)
BSDBallistic Systems Division (Norton Air Force Base, CA)
BSDBattle Staff Directive (US Air Force)
BSDBusiness Support Department
BSDBoundary-Scan Diagnostics (JTAG Technologies)
BSDBargain and Sale Deed (real estate)
BSDBreach of Statutory Duty
BSDBibliothèque Suisse de Dendrologie (French: Swiss Dendrology Library; Switzerland)
BSDBattlefield Situation Display
BSDBlack Skull Dragon
BSDBattlespace Dominance
BSDBlood Service Directive (American Red Cross Biomedical Services)
BSDBattle Staff Director
BSDBaseline System Description
BSDBase Supply Depot (Pakistan Army)
BSDBlind, Stupid and Desperate
BSDBuilding Shut Down (gas industry)
BSDThe British Society for Dermatopathology
BSDBiomass Syngas Development, Inc (Grand Central, NY)
BSDBidirectional Sequential Decoding
BSDWith Heaven's Help (Aramaic - B'Siyata D'sh'maya)
BSDBattlefield Simulation Display
BSDBusiness Strategy Dialogue
BSDBattle Simulation Division
BSDBattlefield Synchronization Demonstration
BSDBallistic-Electron Surface-Emitter Display
BSDBASOPS Systems Division (Resource Management Directorate, Deputy Chief of Staff for Base Operations Support, Fort Monroe, VA (TRADOC)
BSDBill of Sale Deed
BSDBlueshout Designs
BSDBusiness Solution District
BSDBed-Side Drainage (medical; gravity drainage of fluids to bag)




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