Acronym | Definition |
BSDA➣Bsd Associate |
BSDA➣British Soft Drinks Association |
BSDA➣Basic Service Demat Account (stocks) |
BSDA➣Bi-State Development Agency (transit agency for St. Louis, MO) |
BSDA➣Bureau Sénégalais du Droit d'Auteur (French: Senegalese Copyright Bureau; Senegal) |
BSDA➣Bordereau de Suivi des Déchets d'Amiante (French: Monitoring of Asbestos Waste Slip) |
BSDA➣British Sheep Dairying Association (Kent, England) |
BSDA➣Border Stick Dressers Association (UK) |
BSDA➣Buddhism and Society Development Association (Kampong Cham, Cambodia) |
BSDA➣Black Seventh-day Adventist (forum) |