fall through the cracks

fall through the cracks

To go unnoticed or undealt with; to be unintentionally neglected or ignored, especially in a corporate, political, or social system. Because so many other social issues take priority for the government, such as drug addiction and unemployment, the welfare of children in the foster system very often ends up falling through the cracks. We were all so busy drawing up the contracts for this new deal that the thank-you dinner we'd promised to our interns simply fell through the cracks.See also: crack, fall, through

fall through the cracks


slip through the cracks

mainly AMERICANIf people fall through the cracks or slip through the cracks, they are not helped by the system which is supposed to deal with them. I would like to see some system or program in place to catch high risk kids before they fall through the cracks. This family slipped through the cracks in the system and they are not eligible for aid. Note: The usual British expression is slip through the net. See also: crack, fall, through

fall through the cracks

To pass unnoticed, neglected, or unchecked: "In the past, many learning disabled children fell through the cracks" (Judith Harkness Richardson).See also: crack, fall, through