False Cape State Park
False Cape State Park
Location:Southwest of Virginia Beach. Access is through the Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge (see separate entry in national wildlife refuges chapter). No vehicular access; accessible by foot, bicycle, or boat.
Facilities:4 primitive campgrounds, pit toilets, hiking trails, bicycle trails, self-guiding trail, 5.9-mile beach, environmental education center.
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, hiking, bicycling, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park is a mile-wide barrier spit between Back Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. In the 1800s, it gained a reputation as a ship's graveyard because its land mass resembled Cape Henry, luring boats into shallow waters. This is how it got its name.
Address:4001 Sandpiper Rd
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Web: www.dcr.state.va.us/parks/falscape.htm
Size: 4,321 acres.
See other parks in Virginia.