Acronym | Definition |
FEH➣Fire Emblem Heroes (video game) |
FEH➣Ford Escape Hybrid (Ford Motor Company model) |
FEH➣Flying Eye Hospital (ORBIS International) |
FEH➣Fédération des Enseignes de l'Habillement (French: Federation of Clothing Stores) |
FEH➣Fonds pour l'Emploi Hospitalier (French: Hospital Employment Fund) |
FEH➣Flood Estimation Handbook (UK) |
FEH➣Fondation des Enfants d'Haïti (French: Foundation for Children in Haiti) |
FEH➣Fédération Européenne d'Herboristerie (French: European Federation of Herbalism; Belgium) |
FEH➣Focal Epithelial Hyperplasia |
FEH➣Femme-Enfant-Hématologie (French: Mother-Child Hematology) |
FEH➣Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors |
FEH➣Flaw Evaluation Handbook (nuclear) |
FEH➣Fair Employment and Housing Act of 1963 (California) |