释义 |
cellular immunodeficiency with abnormal immunoglobulin synthesis cel·lu·lar im·mu·no·de·fi·cien·cy with ab·nor·mal im·mu·no·glob·u·lin syn·the·sisan ill-defined group of sporadic disorders of unknown cause, occurring in both males and females and associated with recurrent bacterial, fungal, protozoal, and viral infections; there is thymic hypoplasia with depressed cellular (T-lymphocyte) immunity combined with defective humoral (B-lymphocyte) immunity, although immunoglobulin levels may be normal. Synonym(s): Nezelof syndromeNezelof, C., French pathologist, 1922–. Nezelof syndrome - type of thymic alymphoplasia. Synonym(s): cellular immunodeficiency with abnormal immunoglobulin synthesis |