cellular network extender

cellular network extender

A device that extends a cellular signal in a car or building. A cellular network extender amplifies the carrier's radio frequency (RF) signals for better voice reception and data throughput.

SureCall Extender
This TriFlex-V extender covers up to 6,000 square feet in a home or office and comes with two antennas (one indoor and one outdoor) that are cabled to the unit. (Image courtesy of SureCall, www.surecall.com)

The 5BARz Extender
Evolving from the Road Warrior in-vehicle extender, this device covers 4,000 square feet. Offering plug and play installation, there are no external antennas. When plugged into an AC outlet, the unit self-regulates the power and adapts to changes in the environment. (Image courtesy of 5BARz International Inc., www.5barz.com)