Cellular Neural Network

Cellular Neural Network

(architecture)(CNN) The CNN Universal Machine is a low cost,low power, extremely high speed supercomputer on a chip. Itis at least 1000 times faster than equivalent DSP solutionsof many complex image processing tasks. It is a storedprogram supercomputer where a complex sequence of imageprocessing algorithms is programmed and downloaded into thechip, just like any digital computer. Because the entirecomputer is integrated into a chip, no signal leaves the chipuntil the image processing task is completed.

Although the CNN universal chip is based on analogue and logicoperating principles, it has an on-chip analog-to-digitalinput-output interface so that at the system design andapplication perspective, it can be used as a digitalcomponent, just like a DSP. In particular, a developmentsystem is available for rapid design and prototyping.Moreover, a compiler, an operating system, and auser-friendly CNN high-level language, like the Clanguage, have been developed which makes it easy to implementany image processing algorithm.

[Professor Leon Chua, University of California at Berkeley].