

单词 clinical pathology
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clinical pathology

clinical pathology

[′klin·ə·kəl pə′thäl·ə·jē] (pathology) A medical specialty encompassing the diagnostic study of disease by means of laboratory tests of material from the living patient.

clinical pathology


 [pah-thol´o-je] 1. the branch of medicine treating of the essential nature of disease, especially of the changes in body tissues and organs that cause or are caused by disease.2. the structural and functional manifestations of a disease. adj., adj patholog´ic, patholog´ical.clinical pathology pathology applied to the solution of clinical problems, especially the use of laboratory methods in clinical diagnosis.comparative pathology that which considers human disease processes in comparison with those of other animals.experimental pathology the study of artificially induced pathologic processes.oral pathology that which treats of conditions causing or resulting from morbid anatomic or functional changes in the structures of the mouth.speech pathology (speech-language pathology) a field of the health sciences dealing with the evaluation of speech, language, and voice disorders and the rehabilitation of patients with such disorders not amenable to medical or surgical treatment. See also speech-language pathologist.surgical pathology the pathology of disease processes that are surgically accessible for diagnosis or treatment.

clin·i·cal pa·thol·o·gy

1. any part of the medical practice of pathology as it pertains to the care of patients; 2. the subspecialty in pathology concerned with the theoretical and technical aspects (that is, the methods or procedures) of chemistry, immunohematology, microbiology, parasitology, immunology, hematology, and other fields as they pertain to the diagnosis of disease and the care of patients, as well as to the prevention of disease.

chemical pathology

The pathology specialty in the UK which is involved in measuring electrolytes, metabolic products, hormones, proteins and toxins in blood, urine and other body fluids to diagnose and monitor disease.

clinical pathology

The field of pathology dedicated to measuring and/or identifying substances, cells, or microorganisms in body fluids Areas Clinical microbiology–bacteriology, mycology, parasitology, virology; immunology; chemistry; hematology; immunohematology–blood banking. Cf Anatomic pathology, Surgical pathology.

clin·i·cal pa·thol·o·gy

(klin'i-kăl pă-thol'ŏ-jē) 1. Any part of the medical practice of pathology as it pertains to the care of patients. 2. pathology Subspecialty concerned with the theoretic and technical aspects of chemistry, immunohematology, microbiology, parasitology, immunology, hematology, and other fields as they pertain to the diagnosis of disease.

clinical pathology

The science and practice of medical diagnosis by laboratory examination and analysis of tissue specimens (BIOPSIES), body fluids and other samples. Clinical pathology is subdivided into VIROLOGY, BACTERIOLOGY, clinical chemistry, SEROLOGY and pathological HISTOLOGY.




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