clinical pathway

care pathway

The sequence of health and social care services a patient in the UK receives after entering the system during a particular episode of care.

clinical pathway

Critical pathway, treatment pathway Clinical medicine A standardized algorithm of a consensus of the best way to manage a particular condition Modalities used Teletherapy, brachytherapy, hyperthermia and stereotactic radiation. See Oncology, Surgical oncology Medtalk A multidisciplinary set of prescriptions and outcome targets for managing the overall care of a specific type of Pt–from pre-admission to post-discharge for Pts receiving inpatient care; CPs are intended to maintain or improve quality of care and ↓costs for Pts, in particular DRGs.

clin·i·cal path·way

(klin'i-kăl path'wā) Standardized interdisplinary care map for a specific diagnosis from the diagnosis-related group. Clinical pathways guide a patient's plan of care through attainment of specific clinical outcomes by the patient from admission to discharge. Benefits for the pathway include increased communication among members of the health care team, standardization of care, documentation and evaluation tools, decreased cost and length of stay, and increased patient and family satisfaction.
See: critical path