Crusoe, Robinson

Crusoe, Robinson

experiences adventures among pirates, cannibals, and slavers. [Br. Lit.: Defoe Robinson Crusoe]See: Adventurousness

Crusoe, Robinson

shipwreck victim who lives on desert island with savage he names Friday. [Br. Lit.: Robinson Crusoe]See: Castaway

Crusoe, Robinson

man marooned on a desert island for 24 years. [Brit. Lit.: Robinson Crusoe, Magill I, 839–841]See: Isolation

Crusoe, Robinson

inventive when shipwrecked on an island. [Br. Lit.: Robinson Crusoe]See: Resourcefulness

Crusoe, Robinson

only survivor of shipwreck. [Br. Lit.: Robin-son Crusoe]See: Survival