crus of penis


 [krus] (pl. cru´ra) (L.) 1. leg (def. 1).2. a leglike part.crus ce´rebri basis pedunculi cerebri.crus of clitoris the continuation of the corpus cavernosum of the clitoris, diverging posteriorly to be attached to the pubic arch.crura of diaphragm two fibroelastic bands that arise from the lumbar vertebrae and insert into the central tendon of the diaphragm.crura of fornix two flattened bands of white matter that unite to form the body of the fornix of the cerebrum.crus of penis the continuation of each corpus cavernosum of the penis, diverging posteriorly to be attached to the pubic arch.

crus of pe·nis

[TA] the posterior, tapering portion of the corpus cavernosum penis that diverges from its contralateral partner to be attached to the ischiopubic ramus. Synonym(s): crus penis [TA], crus corporis cavernosi penis

crus of pe·nis

(krūs pē'nis) [TA] The posterior, tapering portion of the corpus cavernosum penis that diverges from its contralateral partner to be attached to the ischiopubic ramus.
Synonym(s): crus penis [TA] .