crusted scabies

Nor·we·gian sca·bies

a severe form of scabies with innumerable mites in thickened stratum corneum; has been linked with cellular immune deficiencies, including AIDS. Synonym(s): crusted scabies, Norway itch
Severe scabies, seen in institutionalised persons—e.g., those with Down syndrome—or either debilitated or immunosuppressed patients, caused by Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis

crusted scabies

Dermatology Severe scabies, seen in institutionalized persons–eg, with Down syndrome or either debilitated or immunosuppressed Pts Clinical Many mites—Sarcoptes scabei var.homini, with a psoriasis-like pachydermia, variably accompanied by thickened nails, generalized hyperpigmentation, eosinophilia, pyoderma, lymphadenopathy. See Seven-year itch.

crusted scabies

Widespread scabies involving large areas of the skin, usually found in people with immune-suppressing illnesses, malnutrition, or unhygienic living situations. Crusted scabies is very contagious. Scaling skin from affected persons readily distributes mites to individuals in contact with the patient.