Acronym | Definition |
BTB➣Believed-to-Be (US DoD) |
BTB➣Badischer Turner Bund (German: Baden Gymnastics Federation; Baden, Germany) |
BTB➣Back to Bed |
BTB➣Back To Basics |
BTB➣Business to Business (usually seen as B2B) |
BTB➣Back-To-Back |
BTB➣Be the Beast |
BTB➣Branch Target Buffer |
BTB➣Bad Taste Bear(s) |
BTB➣Bob's Track Builder (gaming software) |
BTB➣Belize Tourism Board |
BTB➣Black to Black |
BTB➣Bass Treble Boost |
BTB➣Back to Back |
BTB➣Board Technical Bulletin |
BTB➣Break the Barriers |
BTB➣Base-to-Base (gaming) |
BTB➣Bob the Builder (cartoon) |
BTB➣Bog Te Blagoslovio (Croatian: God Bless You) |
BTB➣Body to Body |
BTB➣Bite the Bullet |
BTB➣Breakthrough Bleeding |
BTB➣Burn the Bridge |
BTB➣Bring to Boil (cooking) |
BTB➣By the Book |
BTB➣Big Team Battle (Halo 2) |
BTB➣Bumper to Bumper |
BTB➣Bride to Be |
BTB➣Ban the Bag (plastic bag ban advocacy) |
BTB➣Bringing Tap Back (Canada) |
BTB➣Banca di Trento E Bolzano (Italian bank) |
BTB➣Between the Buttons (Rolling Stones album) |
BTB➣Botswana Tourism Board (est. 2004) |
BTB➣Below the Belt |
BTB➣Beyond the Bell |
BTB➣Brigade Troops Battalion (US Army) |
BTB➣Beating the Blues (UK) |
BTB➣Board Technical Bulletin (scientology) |
BTB➣Bouchon de Tir à Blanc (French: Blank Firing Cap) |
BTB➣Back to Business |
BTB➣Back to Base |
BTB➣Bring That Booty |
BTB➣Book-To-Bill |
BTB➣Bric-a-Brac, Tramtrack, Broad-complex (domain) |
BTB➣Beyond the Beyond (game) |
BTB➣Bay to Breakers (annual footrace; San Francisco, CA) |
BTB➣Business Telephone Banking (various companies) |
BTB➣Boeuf de Tradition Bouchère (French: Traditional Beef Butcher) |
BTB➣Big Ten Burrito (Ann Arbor, MI) |
BTB➣Beyond the Breakers (offshore fishing) |
BTB➣Bus Tie Breaker |
BTB➣Banco Toyota do Brasil (Brazilian bank) |
BTB➣By The By |
BTB➣Bridge to Bridge (ship to ship communications) |
BTB➣Been There Bro |
BTB➣Basic Test Battery |
BTB➣Bromethymol Blue |
BTB➣Before the Bang (period just before the Big Bang) |
BTB➣British Tourism Board |
BTB➣Beyond the Body |
BTB➣Belgische Transportarbeiders Bond |
BTB➣Bad'in Town Bezak (French badminton club) |
BTB➣Benoît Tapis Brosse (French carpet supplier) |
BTB➣Better Than Beer |
BTB➣Burton Third Bombers (dorm residents; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cambridge, MA) |
BTB➣Body Tune Box (magnetic resonance imaging) |
BTB➣British Tourist Board |
BTB➣Blind Transmission Broadcast (clandestine communications) |
BTB➣Brett Taylor Bailey (foundation) |
BTB➣Beyond the Barre (est. 1999; Canada; dance studio) |
BTB➣Big Town Bucks (online business) |