deciduous membrane

de·cid·u·ous mem·brane

the mucous membrane of the endometrium of the uterus in pregnancy that has already undergone certain changes, under the influence of the ovulation cycle, to prepare it for implantation and nutrition of the blastocyst; so called because the membrane is cast off after labor. Synonym(s): caduca, Hunter membrane, membrana decidua


(dē-sij'ū-ă) The endometrium of the pregnant uterus that has undergone changes, under the influence of hormones produced by the ovarian (ovulation) cycle, to prepare it for the implantation and nutrition of the blastocyst; so-called because the membrane is cast off after labor.
Synonym(s): deciduous membrane, membrana decidua.
[L. deciduus, falling off]


William, English pathologist, 1861-1937. Hunter glossitis - Synonym(s): Moeller-Hunter syndromeMoeller-Hunter syndrome - see under Moeller, Julius Otto Ludwig


William, Scottish anatomist and obstetrician, 1718-1783. Hunter ligament - Synonym(s): round ligament of the uterusHunter line - a fibrous band running vertically the entire length of the center of the anterior abdominal wall, receiving the attachments of the oblique and transverse abdominal muscles. Synonym(s): linea albaHunter membrane - the mucous membrane of the pregnant uterus. Synonym(s): deciduous membrane