Acronym | Definition |
EDIC➣Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (medical research study) |
EDIC➣Engin de Débarquement d'Infanterie et de Chars (French: Landing Craft Infantry and Tanks) |
EDIC➣Eastern Dentists Insurance Company (Westborough, MA) |
EDIC➣Employers Direct Insurance Company (Thousand Oaks, CA) |
EDIC➣European Diploma in Intensive Care Medicine (European Society of Intensive Care Medicine) |
EDIC➣Economic Development Information Center |
EDIC➣Entraide des Implantés Cochléaires (French: Support of Cochlear Implanted; Belgium) |
EDIC➣Ecological Design Innovation Center (Ohio) |
EDIC➣Explain Demonstrate Imitate Critique (military aviation training method) |
EDIC➣Église de Dieu Indépendante de Cotard (French: Independent Church of God of Cotard) |