EDICEpidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (medical research study)
EDICEngin de Débarquement d'Infanterie et de Chars (French: Landing Craft Infantry and Tanks)
EDICEastern Dentists Insurance Company (Westborough, MA)
EDICEmployers Direct Insurance Company (Thousand Oaks, CA)
EDICEuropean Diploma in Intensive Care Medicine (European Society of Intensive Care Medicine)
EDICEconomic Development Information Center
EDICEntraide des Implantés Cochléaires (French: Support of Cochlear Implanted; Belgium)
EDICEcological Design Innovation Center (Ohio)
EDICExplain Demonstrate Imitate Critique (military aviation training method)
EDICÉglise de Dieu Indépendante de Cotard (French: Independent Church of God of Cotard)