Edinburgh International Festival
Edinburgh International Festival
There is also a "Fringe Festival" that goes on at the same time—an arena for new talent and amateur entertainers. Although student drama and street theater predominate, the quality of the productions in recent years has sometimes made it difficult to distinguish Fringe events from the "official" ones. The number of Fringe performances has increased dramatically as well—from only a few in 1947 to more than 9,000 in 1989. But the three defining features of the earliest Fringe events still hold true today: none of the performers are officially invited to take part; they must use small and unconventional theater spaces; and they all assume their own financial risks, surviving or sinking according to public demand.
Edinburgh International Festival
The Hub
Edinburgh, Scotland EH1 2NE United Kingdom
44-13-1473-2000; fax: 44-13-1473-2002
Edinburgh Fringe Festival
180 High St.
Edinburgh, Scotland EH1 1QS United Kingdom
44-13-1226-0026; fax: 44-13-1226-0016
Edinburgh Military Tattoo
The Tattoo Office
32 Market St.
Edinburgh, Scotland EH1 1QB United Kingdom
44-13-1225-4783; fax: 44-13-1225-8627
GdWrldFest-1985, p. 99
IntlThFolk-1979, pp. 184, 185
MusFestEurBrit-1980, p. 132
MusFestWrld-1963, p. 8