Fazil Hüsnü Daglarca
Fazil Hüsnü Dağlarca
Born 1914 in Istanbul. Turkish poet.
Dağlarca graduated from a military school in 1935; he gained fame with his first verse collections, A World Traced in the Air (1935) and The Child and God (1940). He published the monthly journal Türkçe (1960–64). Dağlarca renewed poetic forms, used unusual associations, and depicted the Anatolian village in a realistic manner, as seen in the verse collection Native Land (1950). Dağlarca’s profound, sensitive reflections on the eternal problems of life were reflected in the collection Asu (1955). These achievements have assured Daglarca a place among the leading poets of modern Turkey.
Taş devri. Istanbul, 1945.Uç şehitler destani. Istanbul, 1956.
Aç yazi. Istanbul, 1959.
Türk olmak. Istanbul, 1963.
Dişardan gazel. Istanbul, 1965.
Viyetnam savaşimiz. Istanbul, 1966.
Haydi. Istanbul, 1968.
In Russian translation:
“Stikhi.” In Iz sovremennoi turetskoi poezii. Moscow, 1975.
Kabahh, A. Türk edebiyati, vol. 3. Istanbul, 1965.Süreya, C. “Dağlarca şiirinde ilk dönem.” Türk Edebiyati, 1967. Istanbul, 1967.