Acronym | Definition |
BTG➣BIT (Built-In Test) Target Generator |
BTG➣Bridging the Gap |
BTG➣Behind the Glass |
BTG➣Black Tooth Grin |
BTG➣Back to Godhead (magazine) |
BTG➣Behind the Gates |
BTG➣Balance to Go |
BTG➣Business Target Group (various locations) |
BTG➣Begbies Traynor Group (Manchester, UK) |
BTG➣British Technology Group |
BTG➣Business Technology Group (various locations) |
BTG➣Betreuungsgesetz (Germany) |
BTG➣Broadband Technology Group (PCTEL, Inc.) |
BTG➣Boiler, Turbine, Generator |
BTG➣Biomass Technology Group BV |
BTG➣Beijing Tourism Group (China) |
BTG➣Beyond the Grave (gaming clan) |
BTG➣Beta Thromboglobulin |
BTG➣By the Glass (restaurants) |
BTG➣Biotechnology Group |
BTG➣Ball-Turret Gunner |
BTG➣Bodycote Testing Group (various locations) |
BTG➣Before The Game |
BTG➣Bedrijfstelecommunicatie Grootgebruikers (Dutch: Large-Scale Telecommunications User Company) |
BTG➣Basic Target Graphic |
BTG➣Buck Tooth Grin |
BTG➣Be That Guy |
BTG➣Beat the Geeks (TV show) |
BTG➣Band Theory Group |
BTG➣Bien Ta Grotte (French internet slang) |
BTG➣Bio-Technology General Ltd (Israel) |
BTG➣Broadband Transmit Group |
BTG➣Broadcast Time Group |
BTG➣Berndt Toast Gang (National Cartoonists Society, NCS) |
BTG➣Burundian Transitional Government |
BTG➣Brigade Tactical Group (US Army) |
BTG➣Blog to Great (website) |
BTG➣Boulevard Transportation Group |
BTG➣Better than Geek (Louisiana) |