Acronym | Definition |
BTSD➣Buddhist Temple of San Diego (California) |
BTSD➣Basic Training for Skills Development |
BTSD➣Block Tool Super Deluxe (computing) |
BTSD➣Buckeye Tang Soo Do (Columbus, Ohio) |
BTSD➣Bristol Township School District (Levittown, PA) |
BTSD➣Bluefin Tuna Statistical Document |
BTSD➣Beyond the Screen Door, Inc. |
BTSD➣Back-To-School-Diet |
BTSD➣Bristol Township Sewer Department |
BTSD➣Back to School Day |
BTSD➣Bernards Township School District (Basking Ridge, NJ) |
BTSD➣Bleaching Tolerability Severity Days |
BTSD➣Business and Technical Services Department (Singapore) |
BTSD➣Beware the Solitary Drinker (Tom Lahane book) |
BTSD➣Base Transceiver Station Desensitization |
BTSD➣Banked Time Staff Development |
BTSD➣Bethel-Tate Local School District (Ohio) |
BTSD➣Bainha Tendinea Sinovial Digital |
BTSD➣Battle Training and Simulation Department (US Army) |
BTSD➣Back-To-School Drive |
BTSD➣Business Telephone Systems Division |
BTSD➣Barnegat Township School District (Barnegat, NJ) |
BTSD➣Behind the Screen Door (podcast) |