Duke, James Buchanan

Duke, James Buchanan,

1856–1925, American industrialist, processor of tobacco products, b. near Durham, N.C. The Civil War left the Duke family poor, but James and his brother, Benjamin, helped their father in building up a local tobacco-processing business, which soon prospered. Development of cigarette-making machines and extensive advertising gave the Duke company a lead in tobacco manufacturing. Through a long series of mergers with competitors, James Duke organized (1890) and led a trust that, when dissolved by order of the Supreme Court in 1911, controlled 150 factories with a capitalization of $502 million. He left a trust fund to Trinity College that provided for the erection of buildings and facilities; the name of the college was changed to Duke Univ.Duke University,
at Durham, N. C.; coeducational; opened 1838, chartered 1841 as Union Institute in Randolph County. Reorganized 1852 as Normal College, it became Trinity College (Methodist) in 1859 and moved to Durham in 1892. It was renamed in 1924 for James B.
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 He also gave large amounts for hospitals, orphanages, and churches.


See biographies by J. W. Jenkins (1927, repr. 1971) and J. K. Winkler (1942).