

C0411825 (klĭt′ĭk)n. An unstressed word, typically a function word, that is incapable of standing on its own and attaches in pronunciation to a stressed word, with which it forms a single accentual unit. Examples of clitics are the pronoun 'em in I see 'em and the definite article in French l'arme, "the arm."adj. Of or relating to a clitic or clisis.
[Greek klitikos, leaning, from klīnein, to lean; see klei- in Indo-European roots.]
clit′i·cize (-sĭz′) v.clit′i·ci·za′tion (-sĭ-zā′shən) n.


(ˈklɪtɪk) adj (Linguistics) (of a word) incapable of being stressed, usually pronounced as if part of the word that follows or precedes it: for example, in French, me, te, and le are clitic pronouns. See also proclitic, encliticn (Linguistics) a clitic word[C20: back formation from enclitic and proclitic]


(ˈklɪt ɪk)
adj., n. enclitic or proclitic. [1945–50; by extraction]