Bubnov, Aleksandr Pavlovich
Bubnov, Aleksandr Pavlovich
Born Feb. 20 (Mar. 4), 1908, in Tbilisi; died June 30, 1964, in Moscow. Soviet artist. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1954). Corresponding member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR (1954). Studied at the Moscow State Higher Institute of Art and Technology (1926-30).
Bubnov was mainly a painter of everyday life and a historical painter. The work of Bubnov’s mature period is characterized by a broad pictorial manner, cheerful harmony of color, and a striving to express new and significant features of popular life in the depiction of the everyday phenomena of Soviet reality.
His works include Oktiabriny—early postrevolutionary custom, instead of a christening, at which a child was given its name (1936, Ul’ianovsk Art Museum), Morning on Kulikovo Field (1943-47; State Prize of the USSR, 1948), Evening in the Plown Field (1959-60)—both in the Tret’iakov Gallery, In the Field (1959-60; Russian Museum, Leningrad), Autumn (1961-62; T. G. Shevchenko Kazakh Art Gallery, Alma-Ata), and illustrations to the works of N. V. Gogol, T. G. Shevchenko, A. S. Pushkin, and others.