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DictionarySeepadBuccal Fat Pad An encapsulated wad of fat located between the masseter and lateral surface of the buccinator, above the jawline at the corner of the mouthpad (pad) 1. A cushion of soft material, usually cotton or rayon, used to apply pressure, relieve pressure, or support an organ or part.2. A fleshlike or fatty mass.abdominal padA dressing for absorbing discharges from surgical wounds of the abdomen.Bichat's fat padSucking pad.buccal fat padSucking pad.dinner padA pad placed on the abdomen before application of a plaster cast.dorsocervical fat padBuffalo hump. FAT PAD: prolapse of orbital fat pad at the lateral canthus of the eyefat pad1. Sucking pad. FAT PAD: prolapse of orbital fat pad at the lateral canthus of the eye2. A layer of adipose tissue (usually capsulated) that protects structures from direct impact. Fat pads are found in various locations in the body: beneath the patellar tendon; under the calcaneus; or behind the elbow. See: illustrationkidney padAn air or water pad fixed on an abdominal belt belt for external protection of the kidney.knuckle padsA congenital condition in which small nodules appear on the dorsal side of fingers.laparotomy padA gauze pad with radioopaque marker employed to absorb fluids and/ or to pack off mobile viscera intraoperatively; commonly referred to as lap pad.Malgaigne pad See: Malgaigne padMikulicz pad See: Mikulicz-Radecki, Johann vonperineal padA pad covering the perineum; used to cover a wound or to absorb the menstrual flow.sucking padA mass of fat in the cheeks, esp. well developed in an infant, aiding sucking. Synonym: Bichat's fat pad; buccal fat padsurgical pad1. An absorbent gauze pad such as a laparotomy pad2. A soft rubber pad with an apron and inflatable rim for drainage of escaping fluids; used in surgery and obstetrics.Bichat, Marie F.X., French anatomist, physician, and biologist, 1771-1802. Bichat canal - Synonym(s): cistern of great cerebral vein.Bichat fat pad - an encapsuled mass of fat in the cheek on the outer side of the buccinator muscle. Synonym(s): buccal fat padBichat fissure - the nearly circular fissure corresponding to the medial margin of the cerebral (pallial) mantle, marking the hilus of the cerebral hemisphere.Bichat foramen - Synonym(s): cistern of great cerebral veinBichat fossa - sphenomaxillary fossa, a small pyramidal space, housing the pterygopalatine ganglion, between the pterygoid process, the maxilla, and the palatine bone. Synonym(s): pterygopalatine fossaBichat ligament - the lower fasciculus of the posterior sacroiliac ligament.Bichat membrane - the inner elastic membrane of arteries.Bichat protuberance - Synonym(s): buccal fat padBichat tunic - the tunica intima of the blood vessels.FinancialSeePAD |