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DictionarySeesurfacebuccal surface
surface [sur´fas] the outer part or external aspect of a solid body; called also facies.buccal surface the surface" >vestibular surface of the molars and premolars, which faces the cheek.contact surface proximal surface.distal surface the surface of a tooth that is farthest from the midline of the dental arch, opposite to its surface" >mesial surface.facial surface vestibular surface.incisal surface the cutting edges of the anterior teeth, the incisors and canines, which come into contact with those of the opposite teeth during protrusive occlusion. See also surface" >occlusal surface.labial surface the surface" >vestibular surface of the incisors and canines, which faces the lips.lingual surface the surface of a tooth that faces inward toward the tongue and oral cavity, opposite the surface" >vestibular surface; called also oral surface.masticatory surface occlusal surface.mesial surface the surface of a tooth that is closest to the midline of the dental arch, opposite to its surface" >distal surface.occlusal surface the surface of the teeth that comes in contact with those of the opposite jaw during occlusion" >occlusion; called also masticatory surface.oral surface lingual surface.proximal surface (proximate surface) the area where the surface" >mesial surface of one tooth touches the surface" >distal surface of another; called also contact area or surface.vestibular surface the surface of a tooth that is directed outward toward the vestibule of the mouth, opposite to the surface" >lingual surface; see also surface" >buccal surface and surface" >labial surface. Called also facial surface.buc·cal sur·face1. the mucosa of the cheek; 2. in prosthodontics, the side of a denture adjacent to the cheek. buc·cal sur·face (bŭkăl sŭrfăs) 1. Mucosa of cheek. 2. In prosthodontics, side of a denture adjacent to the cheek. |