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anandamidea derivative of arachidonic acid that occurs naturally in the brain and in some foods, such as chocolate, and that binds to the same brain receptors as cannabinoids (the chemical compounds that are the active principles of marijuana)a·nan·da·mide A5292800 (ə-năn′də-mīd′)n. A neurotransmitter, C22H37NO2, found especially in the brain, that binds to the same receptors as cannabinoids and influences mood, appetite, motivation, perception of pain and pleasure, and memory. Anandamide is also found in small amounts in cocoa and chocolate. [Sanskrit ānandaḥ, bliss (ā, to, until + nandati, he is happy) + amide.]anandamide (əˈnændəˌmaɪd) n (Biochemistry) a naturally occurring endogenous cannabinoid neurotransmitter found in the brains of mammals and in small quantities in the cocoa bean[C20: from Sanskrit ananda bliss]anandamide
an·an·da·mide (an-an'dă-mīd), N-arachidonoylethanolamine, a brain lipid that binds to cannabinoid receptors; also found in cocoa.anandamide (ə-năn′də-mīd′)n. A neurotransmitter, C22H37NO2, found especially in the brain, that binds to the same receptors as cannabinoids and influences mood, appetite, motivation, perception of pain and pleasure, and memory. Anandamide is also found in small amounts in cocoa and chocolate.anandamide (ă-nan′dă-mīd″) [Sanskrit ananda, endlessness, eternal bliss + amide] A neurotransmitter that binds to and activates cannabinoid receptors on brain cells. |