Dukinfield Henry Scott

Scott, Dukinfield Henry


Born Nov. 28, 1854, in London; died Jan. 29, 1934, in Oakley, near Basingstock. English botanist. Fellow of the Royal Society of London (from 1894).

From 1882 to 1892, Scott taught at the University of London. Between 1892 and 1906 he worked in Kew Gardens, a botanical garden near London. In 1903, Scott and F. Oliver described the Pteridospermae. Their work supported the supposition of the genetic unity of the plant world, particularly the connection between spore and seed plants. From 1908 to 1912, Scott was president of the Linnaean Society.


Studies in Fossil Botany, 3rd ed., vols, 1–2. London, 1920–23.
In Russian translation:
Evoliutsiia rastitel’nogo mira. Moscow, 1927.


Oliver, E. W. “Dukinfield Henry Scott (1854–1934).” Annals of Botany, 1935, vol. 49, no. 196. (Bibliography included.)
“D’iukinfild Genri Skott. (K 110-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia i 30-letiiu so dnia smerti).” Paleontologicheskii zhurnal, 1965, no. 1.