

单词 diffuseness



D0217300 (dĭ-fyo͞oz′)v. dif·fused, dif·fus·ing, dif·fus·es v.tr.1. To cause to spread out freely: smoke that is diffused throughout the room.2. To make known to or cause to be used by large numbers of people; disseminate: diffuses ideas over the internet.3. To make less brilliant; soften: light that is diffused through frosted glass.4. To make less intense; weaken: a remark that diffused the tension in the interview.5. Physics To cause to undergo diffusion.v.intr.1. To become widely dispersed; spread out: The hormone diffuses throughout the body.2. Physics To undergo diffusion.adj. (dĭ-fyo͞os′)1. Widely spread or scattered; not concentrated: Diffuse light is often hard to read by.2. Wordy or unclear: a diffuse description. See Synonyms at wordy.
[From Middle English, dispersed, from Anglo-Norman diffus, from Latin diffūsus, past participle of diffundere, to spread : dis-, out, apart; see dis- + fundere, to pour; see gheu- in Indo-European roots.]
dif·fuse′ly (-fyo͞os′lē) adv.dif·fuse′ness (-fyo͞os′nĭs) n.
Noun1.diffuseness - the spatial property of being spread out over a wide area or through a large volumescatter, spread - a haphazard distribution in all directions


nounWords or the use of words in excess of those needed for clarity or precision:diffusion, long-windedness, pleonasm, prolixity, redundancy, verbiage, verboseness, verbosity, windiness, wordage, wordiness.



A measure of a light’s dispersion as it travels from the source. Diffused light is useful for general lighting purposes.


Related to diffuseness: perfect diffusion
  • noun

Synonyms for diffuseness

noun words or the use of words in excess of those needed for clarity or precision


  • diffusion
  • long-windedness
  • pleonasm
  • prolixity
  • redundancy
  • verbiage
  • verboseness
  • verbosity
  • windiness
  • wordage
  • wordiness

Words related to diffuseness

noun the spatial property of being spread out over a wide area or through a large volume

Related Words

  • scatter
  • spread




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