Buck fascia

fas·ci·a of pe·nis

[TA] a deep layer that surrounds the three erectile bodies of the penis. Synonym(s): fascia penis [TA], Buck fascia, deep fascia of penis, fascia penis profunda

Buck fascia

The fascial covering of the penis, derived from Colles fascia.See also: fascia


Gurdon, U.S. surgeon, 1807-1877. Buck extension - apparatus for applying longitudinal skin traction on the leg. Synonym(s): Buck tractionBuck extension barBuck extension frameBuck extension splintBuck fascia - a deep layer which surrounds the three erectile bodies of the penis. Synonym(s): fascia penis profundaBuck femoral cement restrictor inserterBuck fracture applianceBuck hookBuck knee braceBuck methodBuck osteotomeBuck plugBuck traction - Synonym(s): Buck extensionBuck tractor