Forestry Section
Forestry Section
(lesnichestvo), in the USSR, a production unit in forestry. In state forests a forestry section is usually part of a state forestry establishment (leskhoz) or a logging and timber distribution establishment (an establishment that does the work of a forestry farm and fells trees and transports wood).
Forestry sections regenerate forests on clear-cut areas, take care of them, establish new forests, and take other measures to increase forest productivity. They set aside cutting areas, see to it that the regulations on cutting trees are followed, and protect the forest against fires, illegal cutting, and harmful insects and diseases. In addition, they assist kolkhozes in managing their forests. The area of a forestry section ranges from several hundred to hundreds of thousands of hectares and is subdivided into circuits (master sectors) and beats. A forester is in charge of a forestry section and is responsible for its condition. His staff is made up of an assistant forester, a ranger for each circuit, and a patrolman for each beat.