Acronym | Definition |
EDMI➣Entreprise de Distribution de Matériel d'Incendie (French: Fire Equipment Distribution Company) |
EDMI➣Illertissen (airport code; Germany) |
EDMI➣Étude Développement de Moyens Industriels (French: Means Industrial Development Study) |
EDMI➣École de Musique Interartistique (French music school) |
EDMI➣Entre Deux Mers Informatiques (French computer company) |
EDMI➣Électricité Domotique Maintenance Installation (French electrical maintenance and installation company) |
EDMI➣Economic Drought Management Index (water management) |
EDMI➣Earth Data Multimedia Instrument (US NASA) |
EDMI➣Electronic Distance Meter Instrument |
EDMI➣Entreprise, Dépannage, Maintenance et Installation (French: Troubleshooting, Installation and Maintenance Company) |
EDMI➣Evangelical Development Ministry Institute |
EDMI➣Electronic Design and Manufacturing International (Singapore) |
EDMI➣Enfants du Monde Inde (French: Children of the World India; Chennai, India) |