EDMIEntreprise de Distribution de Matériel d'Incendie (French: Fire Equipment Distribution Company)
EDMIIllertissen (airport code; Germany)
EDMIÉtude Développement de Moyens Industriels (French: Means Industrial Development Study)
EDMIÉcole de Musique Interartistique (French music school)
EDMIEntre Deux Mers Informatiques (French computer company)
EDMIÉlectricité Domotique Maintenance Installation (French electrical maintenance and installation company)
EDMIEconomic Drought Management Index (water management)
EDMIEarth Data Multimedia Instrument (US NASA)
EDMIElectronic Distance Meter Instrument
EDMIEntreprise, Dépannage, Maintenance et Installation (French: Troubleshooting, Installation and Maintenance Company)
EDMIEvangelical Development Ministry Institute
EDMIElectronic Design and Manufacturing International (Singapore)
EDMIEnfants du Monde Inde (French: Children of the World India; Chennai, India)