Edmond Nocard
Nocard, Edmond
Born Jan. 22, 1850, in Provins; died Aug. 2, 1903, in Saint-Maurice. French epizootologist.
Nocard graduated in 1873 from the Alfort Veterinary School. He became head of the school’s department of surgery and pathology in 1883 and served as director of the school from 1887 to 1891. Nocard’s main works were devoted to infectious diseases in animals, including anthrax, rabies, strangles, and foot-and-mouth disease. He developed a method for growing tuberculosis bacteria on glycerin media, improved the technique of using mallein and tuberculin in diagnostic procedures, and was the first to produce antidiphtheric and antitetanic serums. Some of Nocard’s works were translated into Russian.
In Russian translation:Mikrobnye bolezni zhivotnykh, vols. 1–2, fases. 1–4. St. Petersburg, 1908. (Coauthor, A. Leclainche.)