Feith, Rhijnvis
Feith, Rhijnvis
(rīn`vĭs fīt), 1753–1824, Dutch romantic poet, novelist, and dramatist. His principal works are the long poem on eternity Het Graf (1792) and the sentimental novel Julia (1783), which resembles Goethe's Werther.Feith, Rhijnvis
Born Feb. 7, 1753, in Zwolle; died Feb. 8, 1824, in Boswijck, near Zwolle. Dutch writer. Doctor of law (1770).
Feith was the author of tragedies in the spirit of enlightened classicism, such as Thirsa (1784), Ines de Castro (1793), and C. Mucius Cordus (1795). He also wrote sentimental romances, the ode cycle Fanny (1787), and the epistolary novels Julia (1783; Russian translation, 1803) and Ferdinand and Constantia (1785), as well as narrative poems in the preromantic style. In Letters on Various Subjects (1784–93), which deals mainly with literary theory and aesthetics, Feith upheld the principles of sentimentalism.
Bruggeneate, H. G. ten. Mr. R. Feith. Wageningen, 1911.Brandt Corstius, J. C. “Rhijnvis Feith als overgangsfiguur.” Nieuwe Taalgids, 1957. pp. 241–47.