Acronym | Definition |
ESO➣European Southern Observatory |
ESO➣Elder Scrolls Online (gaming) |
ESO➣Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (Spain: compulsory secondary education) |
ESO➣European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere |
ESO➣Ether Saga Online (gaming) |
ESO➣Engineering Services Outsourcing |
ESO➣Employee Stock Option |
ESO➣Edmonton Symphony Orchestra (Canada) |
ESO➣Elgin Symphony Orchestra (Elgin, IL) |
ESO➣Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria (Spain Eeducational system) |
ESO➣Esophagectomy (surgical procedure) |
ESO➣École Supérieure d'Ostéopathie (French: Graduate School of Osteopathy) |
ESO➣European School of Oncology |
ESO➣English Symphony Orchestra |
ESO➣Emegency Service Officer (various organizations) |
ESO➣Educational Services Office(r) |
ESO➣Essential Skills Ontario (Ontario, Canada) |
ESO➣Executive Support Officer (various locations) |
ESO➣Executive Stock Option |
ESO➣Emergency Service Operations |
ESO➣Ensemble Studios Online |
ESO➣Equipment Smarter than Operator |
ESO➣East Side Office |
ESO➣Environment Society of Oman |
ESO➣Extended Sexual Orgasm |
ESO➣Ecord Science Operator |
ESO➣Electrical Safety Office |
ESO➣External Security Organization (Hezbollah) |
ESO➣Equipment Superior to Operator |
ESO➣European Standardisation Organisation |
ESO➣Electronic Sales Order |
ESO➣Extended Security Option |
ESO➣Event Services Office (various schools) |
ESO➣Entrepreneurial Support Organization (various organizations) |
ESO➣Environmental Science Officer |
ESO➣Ecological Services Outsourcing (Italy) |
ESO➣East Side Oakland (California) |
ESO➣Explosives Safety Officer |
ESO➣Enterprise Service Optimization |
ESO➣Electronics Supply Office |
ESO➣Enligt Senare Order (Swedish: until further orders) |
ESO➣Emergency Security Option(s) |
ESO➣Emergency Service Override |
ESO➣European Settlements Office (banking) |
ESO➣Estimated Sign Off |
ESO➣Emergency Support Office |
ESO➣Engine Shutdown Override |
ESO➣Expanded Service Option (tape format for packaging software upgrades applied to IBM mainframe systems) |
ESO➣Electronic Supply Officer |
ESO➣Engage Standard Order |
ESO➣External Signaling Option |
ESO➣Equal Selection Opportunities |
ESO➣Environmental Services Operations |
ESO➣Evil Shop Owner |