释义 |
a. | 1.(Physiol.) Conveying impressions from the surface of the body to the spinal cord; - said of certain nerves. Opposed to exodic. | EncyclopediaSeeafferentesodic
af·fer·ent (af'ĕr-ĕnt), Do not confuse this word with efferent. Avoid the mispronunciation ā'fe-rent, sometimes adopted to emphasize the contrast with efferent.Inflowing; conducting toward a center, denoting certain arteries, veins, lymphatics, and nerves. Opposite of efferent. Synonym(s): centripetal (1) , esodic [L. afferens, fr. af-fero, to bring to] esodic (e-sod'ik) [Gr. es, toward, + hodos, way] Pert. to sensory nerves conducting impulses toward the brain and spinal cord. Synonym: afferent; centripetal |