Austin Flint phenomenon

Aus·tin Flint phe·nom·e·non

(aw'stĭn flint), Do not hyphenate Austin Flint.The murmur of relative mitral stenosis during significant aortic regurgitation owing to narrowing of the mitral orifice by pressure of the aortic regurgitant flow on the anterior mitral leaflet. Synonym(s): Austin Flint murmur

Aus·tin Flint phe·nom·e·non

, Austin Flint murmur (aw'stin flint fĕ-nom'ĕ-non, mŭr'mŭr) The sound of relative mitral stenosis during significant aortic regurgitation owing to narrowing of the mitral orifice by pressure of the aortic regurgitant flow on the anterior mitral leaflet. The low-pitched murmur is evident at the left ventricular apex; may be either middiastolic or presystolic.


Austin, U.S. physician, 1812-1886. Austin Flint murmur - Synonym(s): Flint murmurAustin Flint phenomenon - Synonym(s): Flint murmurAustin Flint respirationFlint murmur - a diastolic murmur, similar to that of mitral stenosis, heard best at the cardiac apex in some cases of free aortic insufficiency. Synonym(s): Austin Flint murmur; Austin Flint phenomenon


Austin, Jr., U.S. physiologist, 1836-1915. Flint arcade - a series of vascular arches at the bases of the pyramids of the kidney.