Emanuel Arnold
Arnold, Emanuel
Born Nov. 9, 1800, in Mnichovo-Hradište; died Jan. 4, 1869, in Prague. Czech social figure and publicist; one of the most consistent of the radical democrats.
In the 1840’s, Arnold belonged to the democratic secret society the Czech Repeal. During the Revolution of 1848–49 he was one of the leaders of the revolutionary movement; he published the newspaper Občanské noviny. When the revolution was crushed, he received a death sentence, later commuted to imprisonment.
Sebrané spisy. Prague, 1954.REFERENCES
Udal’tsov, 1.1. Ocherki iz istorii natsional’no-politicheskoi bor’by ν Chekhii ν 1848 g. Moscow, 1951.Kosík, K. Ceská radikálni demokracie. [Prague,] 1958.