center of excellence

Academia A hospital or medical center recognized by its peers in the medical community as providing high quality health care in one or more specialties
Tertiary care A hospital designated by Medicare as one for which it will reimburse expenses for a particular procedure—e.g., liver transplantation—based on that center’s higher than average rate of success

center of excellence

Tertiary care A hospital designated by Medicare as one in which it will reimburse expenses for a particular procedure–eg, liver transplantation, based on that center's higher than average rate of success

cen·ter of ex·cel·lence

(sen'tĕr ek'sĕ-lĕns) A colloquial, jargonistic, and vastly overused term for any health care facility that is reputed, by means of public survey or in the opinion of the facility itself, to be superior in one or more ways to other such care facilities.