Fire System

Fire System


the combined fire from all types of weapons applied in an organized way during combat in order to destroy the enemy.

The fire system of a unit or subunit on the defensive includes the zone of continuous fire from all types of weapons placed in readiness along the main line of resistance, in the defensive rear, and along the flanks for the purpose of destroying tanks, manpower, and other important targets. The system also includes concentrated fire on a threatened axis or sector. Special attention is directed to the organization of the fire system of antitank weapons. The fire system of a unit or subunit on the offensive includes fire from all types of weapons for the purposes of destroying the enemy’s defenses, especially their antitank weapons.

In all cases, a fire system is based on the coordination of the fire of artillery, mortars, and antitank weapons with small-arms in order to create a high density of fire from the various types of weapons. It is also based on maneuverability of fire along the front and from the rear. In organizing a fire system, consideration is given to the nature of the terrain, the system of obstacles, and the availability of weapons for operation by day or by night and under other circumstances of limited visibility.