buffalo neck

buf·fa·lo neck

combination of moderate kyphosis with thick heavy fat pad on the neck, seen especially in persons with Cushing disease or syndrome.
A popular term for a mass of fat at the lower cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae, characteristically seen in Cushing’s disease/syndrome
A similar mass may also accumulate in the thoracolumbar regions of black South Africans with achondroplasia—possibly related to their practice of carrying infants on their backs—or in mucopolysaccharidoses and chronic osteomyelitis induced by coccidioidomycosis and M tuberculosis

buf·fa·lo neck

(bŭf'ă-lō nek) Combination of moderate kyphosis with a thick heavy fat pad on the neck, seen especially in people with Cushing disease or syndrome.
Synonym(s): buffalo hump.