decoy cell

de·coy cell

benign exfoliated epithelial cell with pyknotic nucleus seen in urinary infections; may be mistaken for malignant cell.

decoy cell

A small, atypical exfoliated urothelial cell that mimics carcinoma-in-situ of the bladder, which is often caused by human polyoma virus. Decoy cells have single, large, homogenous, basophilic inclusions occupying most of an enlarged nuclear area; other cytologic findings of polyomavirus infection include “empty cells” (post-inclusion stage) and “comet cells”.

de·coy cell

(dē'koy sel) Benign exfoliated epithelial cell with pyknotic nucleus seen in urinary infections; may be mistaken for a malignant cell.

decoy cell

A cell found in the urine with inclusion bodies in its nucleus. It indicates infection with BK virus in renal transplant recipients. See also: cell