

单词 bible leaf

bible leaf

Noun1.bible leaf - tansy-scented Eurasian perennial herb with buttonlike yellow flowersbible leaf - tansy-scented Eurasian perennial herb with buttonlike yellow flowers; used as potherb or salad green and sometimes for potpourri or tea or flavoring; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemumalecost, balsam herb, Chrysanthemum balsamita, costmary, mint geranium, Tanacetum balsamitacostmary - leaves used sparingly (because of bitter overtones) in sauces and soups and stuffingsgenus Tanacetum, Tanacetum - a large genus of plants resembling chrysanthemums; comprises some plants often included in other genera especially genus Chrysanthemumherb, herbaceous plant - a plant lacking a permanent woody stem; many are flowering garden plants or potherbs; some having medicinal properties; some are pests




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