Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

Cardiology COmparison of Balloon vs. Rotational Angioplasty. A clinical trial comparing 2 methods of managing complex coronary lesions
Conclusion Both are effective with few complications
Managed care Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985. A federal act which requires employers to offer employee health coverage under the employer's group health plan for a period of time after a spouse’s death, job loss, work hour reduction, or divorce, allowing them to purchase continuation of health care coverage under the group’s medical plan Managed Care Contracting Handbook, McGraw-Hill, 1996

Con·sol·i·da·ted Om·ni·bus Bud·get Re·con·cil·i·a·tion Act

(COBRA) (kŏn-sol'i-dā-tĕd om'ni-bŭs bŭj'ĕt rek'ŏn-sil-ē-ā'shŭn akt) U.S. federal law that allows an employee to remain covered under employer's group health insurance plan for a given period of time after death of a spouse, divorce, termination, or having work hours reduced.

Con·sol·i·da·ted Om·ni·bus Bud·get Re·con·cil·i·a·tion Act

(COBRA) (kŏn-sol'i-dā-tĕd om'ni-bŭs bŭj'ĕt rek'ŏn-sil-ē-ā'shŭn akt) U.S. federal law that allows an employee to remain covered under employer's group health insurance plan for a given period of time after death of a spouse, divorce, termination, or having work hours reduced.