

Using acronyms as a shorthand for phrases in email, instant messages, texting and chat sessions; for example, BTW for "by the way" and IMHO for "in my humble opinion." The acronyms have turned into a new language, also called "techspeak," "textspeak," "geekspeak," "Internet speak," "Webspeak" and "IMglish." For people who cannot type fast and hunt and peck every letter, these acronyms are a blessing. Following are some popular examples. See leetspeak and alphanumerish.

 .02 My two cents worth. <3 Sideways heart (I love you). ADIP Another day in paradise. AFAIK As far as I know. AFK Away from keyboard. A/S/L Age, sex, location. ASIG And so it goes. ATM At the moment. AWGTHTGTTA Are we going to have to go through this again. AYS Are you serious? AYT Are you there? B4N Bye for now. BBL Be back later. BFF Best friend forever. BFN Bye for now. BLNT Better luck next time. BM&Y Between me and you. BME Based on my experience. BRB Be right back. BTDT Been there, done that. BTW By the way. CMIIW Correct me if I'm wrong. CRBT Crying really big tears. CTN Can't talk now. CU See you. CUL See you later. CWYL Chat with you later. CYA See ya. DETI Don't even think it. DILLIGAF Do I look like I give a f*** DQMOT Don't quote me on this. DUR Do you remember? DYJHIW Don't you just hate it when.. EBCAK Error between chair and keyboard. EBKAC Error between keyboard and chair. EMFBI Excuse me for butting in. EWG Evil wicked grin. F2F Face to face. FCOL For crying out loud. FOAF Friend of a friend. FWIW For what it's worth. FYI For your information. GAL Get a life. GD&R Grinning, ducking and running. GMTA Great minds think alike. GR8 Great. GTG Got to go. HB Hurry back. HBU How about you? HHOK Ha, ha, only kidding. HODL I am hodling (holding). HTH Hope this helps. IANAL I am not a laywer, but... IAW In accordance with. IDK I don't know. IIRC If I recall correctly. IMCO In my considered opinion. IMHO In my humble opinion. IMO In my opinion. IOW In other words. IRL In real life. JFF Just for fun. JK Just kidding. JOOTT Just one of those things. JW Just wondering. KIA Know-it-all. KK Okay, all right. KNIM Know what I mean. KPC Keeping parents clueless. LMAO Laughing my ass off. LD Later dude. LOL Laughing out loud; Lots of luck. LMIRL Let's meet in real life. LULz Lots of laughs. LY Love ya. LYLAS Love ya like a sister. MEH I fell so-so. MGB May God bless. MOO My own opinion. MNC Mother nature calls. MWA A kiss (the sound of "mwa.") MYOB Mind your own business. N2M Not too much. NALOPKT Not a lot of people know this. NIGI Now I get it. NIH Not invented here. NM Nothing much. NOOB Beginner (see newbie). NP No problem. NVM Never mind. NW No way. OIC Oh, I see. OMG Oh my God! OMW On my way. OOH Out of here. OOO Out of office. OTFL On the floor laughing. OTOH On the other hand. OTP On the phone. PAL Parents are listening. PEBCAK Problem exists between chair and keyboard. PEBKAC Problem exists between keyboard and chair. PIR Parents in room. PITA Pain in the ass. PLBCAK Problem lies between chair and keyboard. PLBKAC Problem lies between keyboard and chair. PMJI Pardon my jumping in. PMO Piss me off. POS Parent over shoulder. POTATO Person over 30 acting 21. PRW Parents are watching. PTG&LI Playing the game & loving it. RBAY Right back at you. RHIP Rank has its privileges. RL Real life. ROFL Rolling on floor laughing. ROFLMAO ROF, laughing my ass off. RT Real talk. Being honest. RTFM Read the f***ing Manual (see RTFM). RUOK Are you OK? SC Stay cool. SFAIK So far as I know. SIT Stay in touch. STFU Shut the f*** up! SUP What's up? SWL Screaming with laughter. TANSTAAFL There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. TIA Thanks in advance. TLDR Too long, didn't read. TMTH Too much to handle. TTFN Ta, ta for now (goodbye). TTT Thought that too. TTYL Talk to you later. TTYS Talk to you soon. TU Thank you. TY Thank you. UCMU You crack me up. UDM You da man. UOK Are you OK? U2U Up to you. URTM You are the man. UTM You tell me. VBS Very big smile. WFM Works for me. WTG Way to go. WYHAM When you have a minute. WWJD What would Jesus do? WWNC Will wonders never cease. XLNT Excellent. XME Excuse me. YGTBKM You've got to be kidding me. YMMV Your mileage may vary. YNK You never know. YOLO You only live once. YT You there? YW You're welcome. YWSYLS You win some, you lose some. ZUP What's up?