Acronym | Definition |
FPT➣Fonction Publique Territoriale (French: Public Service Region) |
FPT➣Field Programmable Technology |
FPT➣Fourgon Pompe-Tonne (French fire truck) |
FPT➣France Poker Tour |
FPT➣Fixed Parameter Tractability (computing algorithms) |
FPT➣Fiat Powertrain Technologies |
FPT➣Federal-Provincial-Territorial (Canada) |
FPT➣Full Pressure Turbo |
FPT➣Fox Pro Table |
FPT➣First Passage Time |
FPT➣Fire Protection Technology (various organizations) |
FPT➣Friends Provident Trophy (cricket) |
FPT➣Formation Professionnelle et Technique (French: Vocational and Technical Training) |
FPT➣Female Pipe Thread |
FPT➣Failure of Passive Transfer (biology) |
FPT➣Formatted Product Tool (US GSA) |
FPT➣Corporation for Financing and Promoting Technology (Vietnam) |
FPT➣Fast Processing Technology |
FPT➣Fine Pitch Technology |
FPT➣Forced Perfect Termination |
FPT➣Functional Performance Test (building commissioning) |
FPT➣Feed Per Tooth |
FPT➣Flight Path Tool (Aviation Digital Data Service; US NOAA) |
FPT➣Food Protection Trends (International Association for Food Protection publication) |
FPT➣Fleet Project Team |
FPT➣Force Protection Team |
FPT➣Fire Prevention Technician |
FPT➣Fan Powered Terminal |
FPT➣Full Power Trial |
FPT➣Filter/Pressure Transducer |
FPT➣Force Protection Tool |
FPT➣Follow-On Production Test |
FPT➣Fixed-Price Tender (finance) |
FPT➣Farnesyl Protein Transerase |
FPT➣Frequently Posted Thread(s) |
FPT➣Fixed Price Type |
FPT➣Federasi Panjat Tebing (Indonesia) |
FPT➣File Popularity Table (computer caches) |
FPT➣Full Period Termination (US Navy fleet communication circuits) |
FPT➣Field Practical Training (agriculture) |