

单词 cs




The symbol for cesium.


abbr.1. capital stock2. cesarean section3. chief of staff4. Christian Science5. civil service6. conditioned stimulus


the chemical symbol for (Elements & Compounds) caesium


abbreviation for 1. (Stock Exchange) Also: cs capital stock 2. (Surveying) chartered surveyor 3. (Christian Churches, other) Christian Science 4. (Christian Churches, other) Christian Scientist 5. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Civil Service 6. (Law) Also: cs Court of Session


Chem. Symbol. cesium.




cycles per second.


1. chief of staff. 2. Christian Science. 3. Civil Service.


The symbol for cesium.
Noun1.Cs - a soft silver-white ductile metallic element (liquid at normal temperatures)Cs - a soft silver-white ductile metallic element (liquid at normal temperatures); the most electropositive and alkaline metalatomic number 55, caesium, cesiummetal, metallic element - any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.cesium 137 - a radioactive isotope of cesium used in radiation therapypollucite - a rare mineral that is an important source of cesium




symbol for the element cesiumcesium
[Lat.,=bluish gray], a metallic chemical element; symbol Cs; at. no. 55; at. wt. 132.90545; m.p. 28.4&degC;; b.p. 669.3&degC;; sp. gr. 1.873 at 20&degC;; valence +1. Cesium is a ductile, soft-as-wax, silver-white metallic element. It is in Group 1 of the periodic table.
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chemical compound (orthochlorobenzalmalonitrile) used in riot control and, by the military, as a harassing agent. The compound is dispersed as an aerosol or as a finely divided powder. Exposure to CS causes intense pain in the eyes and upper respiratory tract; the pain spreads to the lungs and gives the sensation of suffocation. In humid weather CS may cause severe blistering of the skin. Heavy exposure to the compound may cause serious lung damage, resulting in death. Nonetheless, CS is less toxic than many other tear gasestear gas,
gas that causes temporary blindness through the excessive flow of tears resulting from irritation of the eyes. The gas is used in chemical warfare and as a means for dispersing mobs.
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. CS was first synthesized in the 1920s by Ben Corson and Roger Stoughton; the compound's name is derived from their initials.


(fluid mechanics) centistoke


(chemistry) cesium (meteorology) cirrostratus cloud


1. Abbr. for “caulking seam.” 2. Abbr. for cast stone.



 1. completed stroke (see stroke syndrome); o-chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile.2. o-chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile, a commonly used gas" >tear gas.


Abbreviation for cesarean section; Chief of Staff.


Symbol for cesium.


abbr.1. capital stock2. cesarean section3. chief of staff4. Christian Science5. civil service6. conditioned stimulus


Abbreviation for:
caesarean section
campomelic syndrome
Capgras syndrome
capital strategy (Medspeak-UK)
carcinoid syndrome
cardiogenic shock
carotid sheath
carotid sinus
cat scratch
catalytic subunit
cell surface
central supply
cerebral scintigraphy
cervical spine
cervical stimulation
charge separation
cholesterol stone
cholesterol sulphate
chondroitin sulfate
chondroid syringoma
chronic schizophrenia
cigarette smoke
citrate synthase
climacteric syndrome
Clinical Specialist (Medspeak-UK)
clinical stage
clinical status
Clinical Supervisor, see there (Medspeak-UK)
Cockayne syndrome
coeliac sprue
cold storage
complete stroke
compression syndrome
compressive strength
conditioned stimulus
congenital syphilis
conjunctival secretion
connecting segment
conscious sedation
conservative surgery
contact sensitivity
contrast sensitivity
control serum
control subjects
conventional smear
coronary sinus
corpus striatum
crush syndrome
current smoker
current strength
Cushing syndrome
cutaneous sensitivity
cytoreductive surgery


NATO code for a riot-control agent, o-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile, which is more effective than its predecessor, CN, and is used widely by military forces and in law-enforcement agencies.


Symbol for cesium


An irritant crystalline solid dispersed from a pressurized cannister for purposes of police control of violent persons. CS is o-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile dissolved in methylisobutylketone in a strength of 1 per cent (USA) or 5 per cent (UK). It causes intense burning discomfort in the eyes and on the skin, profuse watering of the eyes and nose, barely controllable spasm of the eyelids, coughing, retching and a sense of constriction in the chest. The effects may last for as long as 24 hours. Corneal damage has been claimed but it is not clear whether this is due to the active ingredient or the vehicle.


Symbol for cesium.



1. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for Serbia and Montenegro before it separated into two independent countries. This was the code used in international transactions to and from bank accounts in Serbia and Montenegro.

2. ISO 3166-2 geocode for Serbia and Montenegro. This was used as an international standard for shipping to Serbia and Montenegro.

In both cases, the code is obsolete.


CSCounter-Strike (game)
CSCreative Suite (Adobe)
CSCounter Strike
CSChip Select
CSClip System (Nerf)
CSCaught Stealing (Baseball)
CSCore Systems
CSComputer Science
CSComputer Society
CSChristian Science
CSContext Switch
CSComputing Science
CSCommon Software
CSCustomer Service
CSComputer Studies
CSCommunication Server (back-end network terminology)
CSClient Server
CSCommunity Server
CSCompany Secretary
CSCommunications Security
CSControl System
CSCollege Station (Texas)
CSComing Soon
CSComputer Software
CSComputer Services
CSCross Section
CSColorado Springs
CSCritical Section
CSCommittee Substitute
CSCustomer Support
CSCommon Set
CSClient System(s)
CSCase Sensitive
CSChild Support
CSComputing Services
CSCustomer Satisfaction
CSCivil Service
CSCosta Rica
CSCommunity Service
CSCard Services (PCMCIA cards)
CSCredit Suisse
CSCentral Station
CSConvenience Store
CSCritical Systems
CSCenter Stage
CSCognitive Science
CSCommunications System
CSCommercial Service (US Department of Commerce)
CSCommittee Specification
CSCarbon Steel
CSCommunications Software
CSCommon Stock
CSCode Segment
CSChief of Staff
CSConsulting Services (various companies)
CSCommunications Services
CSCoffee Shop
CSCultural Studies
CSCooling System
CSCoordinate System
CSCrystal Space (open source 3d Engine)
CSClean Sheet (English soccer; goalie stat)
CSConstruction Site
CSControl Set
CSCable Select
CSCities: Skylines (gaming)
CSCDF (Cumulative Distribution Function)-Based Scheduling Algorithm
CSCold Start
CSCall Server
CSConditioned Stimulus (psychology/psychiatry)
CSClear Screen (Hyper Logo Turtle graphics command)
CSCosenza (Italy)
CSControl Section
CSCast Steel
CSContract Services
CSClub Sport
CSCase Series
CSConsadole Sapporo (Japanase sports club)
CSChemical Synthesis
CSCustom Scenery (aka Custom Scenery Object; also seen as CSO; Atari)
CSCommon Source (amplifier topology)
CSCollective Soul (band)
CSControlled Substance
CSCost Sharing
CSChanServ (IRC Channel Server)
CSCalifornia Special (automobile)
CSCreative Solutions (software)
CSCut Sheet
CSControl Station (US Army)
CSC Sharp (File Name Extension)
CSCohort Study
CSCompetitive Sourcing
CSCompressed Sensing (signal processing)
CSChange Status
CSCall Sign (military)
CSConceptual Structures
CSControl Store
CSConfined Space
CSChicken Smoothie (game)
CSCheck Sum
CSClubsport (Porsche model)
CSContaminated Sites
CSComponent Supplier
CSCommunications Support
CSChondroitin Sulfate
CSCutscene (gaming)
CSCyber Sex
CSChristian Surfers
CSChallenge Stradale (Ferrari)
CSConseil Scientifique (French: Scientific Council)
CSCombat Support
CSComposite Service
CSCampus Safety (various locations)
CSCocker Spaniel
CSChest Strap
CSCounty Seat
CSClinical Signs
CSChannel Status
CSCommunications Squadron
CSCody Simpson (musician)
CSCurbside (vehicle design)
CSCertified Sommelier (wine)
CSCoronary Sinus (medical)
CSCub Scouts
CSCompliance Specialist
CSCoefficient de Structure (French: Factor Structure)
CSChief Secretary (for Administration; Hong Kong)
CSComfort Suites (hotel)
CSConsigne de Sécurité (French: Security Deposit)
CSCobra Starship (band)
CSCoronation Street (British soap opera)
CSCracked Software
CSCivil Servant
CSComo Siempre (as always)
CSCrimson Skies (video game)
CSCork Screw
CSCombat System
CSCapability Set
CSConstant Source
CSCritical Source (US DoD)
CSCurrent Series
CSCorporate Structure
CSConvergence Sublayer
CSCushing's Syndrome
CSCitrate Synthase
CSChad Smith (Red Hot Chili Peppers band member)
CSContract Specialist
CSCopper Sulfate
CSCoronado Springs (Disney Resort)
CSConstraint Set
CSCampus Solutions (software)
CSCirrostratus (cloud formation)
CSCruiser Squadron (US Navy)
CSCertificate Server (computer security)
CSCentro de Salud (Health Centre)
CSCreep Score (gaming)
CSClive Staples (C.S. Lewis)
CSCoastal Station (US DoD)
CSCapital Strategies (various locations)
CSConcurrent Session (various organizations)
CSCum Suis (Latin: and associates)
CSConvenience Sampling
CSCardiogenic Shock (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
CSCompartment Syndrome
CSConseiller a la Sécurité (French: Security Advisor)
CSClose Support
CSCivil Support
CSCommercial Satellite
CSChlorinated Solvents
CSCoherent States
CSControlled Space (US DoD)
CSConway Stewart (pens; UK)
CSCultural Survival
CSCircuit Switch
CSControl Segment
CSCockayne Syndrome
CSContinuous Spectrum
CSClinical Supervisor
CSCerulean Studios
CSCampana & Schott (various locations)
CSCat Show
CSCongenital Syphilis
CSCompetitive Strategies
CSComputer Station
CSCurrent Strength
CSCropping System (agriculture)
CSColumn Space (mathematics)
CSCyberstorm (game)
CSCommunications Section
CSCircuit Schematic
CSContractor Support
CSCued Speech
CSCircle Surround (5.1 surround sound by SRS Labs)
CSChief Steward (various organizations)
CSConfidential Source
CSChaplain Service (Air Force; US DoD)
CSColonne Sèche (French: Dry Column; firefighting device)
CSCharles Schwab & Co
CSChappelle's Show (Comedy Central TV show)
CSCaesarian Section
CSCommunications Subsystem
CSCombat Skill (gaming, Diablo II)
CSComputers and Security (International Federation of Information Processing journal)
CSCurrent Segment
CSComma Splice
CSChannel Selector
CSCurrent Sheet (astronomy)
CSCowden Syndrome
CSCriticality Safety (nuclear)
CSClose Shot (cinematography)
CSCulinary Specialist (navy rating)
CSCoordinateur Sécurité (French: Safety Coordinator)
CSCable Ship
CSChampionship Subdivision (football)
CSCrescent School (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
CSCrew Station
CSCrystal Square (Crystal City, Arlington, VA)
CSCabin Systems
CSOrthochlorobenzalmalononitrile (tear gas)
CSCrew Systems
CSConstruction Specialist
CSCello Suites
CSCaptain Skyhawk (video game)
CSSuperconducting Cyclotron
CSCore Segment
CSConducted Susceptibility
CSCell Station (radio basestation in PHS)
CSContracting Specialist (USACE)
CSCheck Solutions
CSComplete Sharing
CSCommunications Segment
CSCleveland Steamer
CSCode Strip
CSCompletely Sterile
CSCheap Sox (Tufts University Improvisational Comedy Troupe)
CSConsumer's Surplus (economics)
CSCait Sith (Final Fantasy VII character)
CSContent Staging
CSComputer Subsystem
CSCoordination Sud
CSCheating System (gaming)
CSCheesy Smile
CSCorbascript (File Extension)
CSCertification Survey
CSCore Spray (Nuclear Power)
CSCreeping Line Single-Unit (US DoD)
CSCritically Sensitive
CSClassified Sensitive
CSCommissaryman (USN Rating)
CSControl Synthesizer (Yamaha)
CSCandidate Specification (GS1)
CSControl Strobe (logic signal, electronics)
CSCliometric Society
CSCheckout Station
CSCombat Surveillance
CSCoded Switch
CSCaval Syndrome (canine heartworm)
CSChondroid Syringoma (tumor)
CSCompetition Sensitive
CSCaustic Scrubber
CSCobalt Scar (Everquest)
CSCycles Shift
CSCapita Symonds Ltd (UK)
CSContractual Specification
CSCollaborative Statement
CSCrazy Safari (movie)
CSCompliance Subcommittee
CSCombat Sent
CSCurve to Spiral
CSCourant-Snyder (parameters)
CSCenti Stokes
CSChevalier School (Philippines)
CSCommunication Scheduler
CSCold Skill (gaming, Diablo II)
CSCastle Sauvage (game)
CSClosed Satellite
CSCoolant Sampling
CSCongregation Secretary (Jehovah's Witnesses)
CSCheck Sorter
CSContributory Support
CSContamination Survivability
CSCrew Simulator
CSConsumables Status
CSCorrugated Services, Inc (Forney, Texas)
CSClogged Stream
CSChannel Shuffling (mobile communications)
CSMissionaries of St. Charles, Scalabrinians (religious order)
CSControllability Set
CSChemical/Cold Storage
CSContent Software GmbH
CSClairvoyant Scheme
CSCompletions Supervisor
CS0-Chlorobenzylmalononitrile (tear gas)
CSColorado Southern Railway Company
CSCafe Skeptique (Canada)
CSContainment Safety/Spray
CSContainment Substation Bus (electrical)
CSCompressor Subassembly


  • noun

Synonyms for Cs

noun a soft silver-white ductile metallic element (liquid at normal temperatures)


  • atomic number 55
  • caesium
  • cesium

Related Words

  • metal
  • metallic element
  • cesium 137
  • pollucite




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