

单词 csa



C5817880 (sē′ĕs′ā′)n.1. An arrangement by which subscribers pay a membership fee up front to the operators of a farm or group of farms in exchange for regular shares of produce throughout the growing season.2. A farm operated under such an arrangement.
[c(ommunity) s(upported) a(griculture).]


abbr. Confederate States of America


(in Britain) abbreviation for (Social Welfare) Child Support Agency


or C.S.A.,

Confederate States of America.



(1) (Canadian Standards Association, Toronto, Ontario, www.csa.ca) A standards-defining organization founded in 1919. It is involved in many industries, including electronics, communications and information technology.

(2) (Client Server Architecture) See client/server.

(3) (CallPath Services Architecture) An IBM standard that integrates applications with the telephone system, designed for use with AT&T, Northern Telecom and other PBX vendors.

(4) See carrier serving area.

Canadian Standards Association

In Canada, a membership organization serving industry, educational institutions, and government in the field of standardization, including the standardization of building components, materials, and testing. Also see Construction Specifications Institute" >Construction Specifications Institute Canada.




Abbreviation for:
catalysed signal amplification
cell surface antigen
central sleep apnoea
child sexual abuse
Child Support Agency (Medspeak-UK)
chondroitin sulphate A
chronic severe anaemia
chronic stable angina
clinical skills assessment
Clinical Spine Application (Medspeak-UK)
common services agency (Medspeak-UK)
computer science application
continuous spinal anaesthesia
Controlled Substances Act
craniospinal axis
cross-sectional area
cyclosporin A


Cyclosporin A, see there.



abbreviation for CHILD SUPPORT AGENCY.


CSACommunity Supported Agriculture
CSAClient Server Architecture
CSACanadian Standards Association
CSACzech Airlines (founded as Czechoslovak State Airlines; ICAO code)
CSACisco Security Agent
CSAConfederate States of America (from Civil War)
CSACanadian Securities Administrators
CSACanadian Space Agency
CSACommunity Shared Agriculture
CSACambridge Scientific Abstracts
CSACommunity Supported Agriculture (agreement)
CSAConseil Superieur de l'Audiovisuel (French authority for media networks)
CSAControlled Substances Act
CSACertified Senior Advisor (Society of Certified Senior Advisors)
CSACentral Services Agency
CSACombined Statistical Area
CSACloud Security Alliance (est. 2008)
CSACervantes Society of America
CSAChina Southern Airlines
CSACentre for the Study of AIDS
CSACyclosporin A
CSAChain Store Age
CSAChinese Student Association
CSAComputer Security Act of 1987
CSACollege Squash Association
CSAControl Self-Assessment (auditing)
CSACounty Service Area
CSAConfederate States Army
CSAChild Support Agency (UK)
CSACompliance, Safety, Accountability (US FMCSA)
CSAChildhood Sexual Abuse
CSAComputer Systems and Applications (various organizations)
CSACross-Sectional Area
CSAChemical Safety Assessment (various organizations)
CSACombat Support Agency (US DoD)
CSAComprehensive Services Act
CSAClinical Skills Assessment
CSAComputer Systems Administrator
CSACommunity Services Agency
CSACommunity School of the Arts
CSACeliac Sprue Association
CSACentre Social Autogéré (French: Autonomous Social Center)
CSAColegio Suizo Americano (Spanish: Swiss American College; Guatemala)
CSAComprehensive Safety Analysis (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration)
CSACanadian Soccer Association
CSACustomer Service Agent
CSAComputer Science Association (Canada)
CSACentro Servizi Amministrativi (Bologna, Italy)
CSACivil/Structural/Architectural (engineering and construction)
CSACentral Sleep Apnea
CSACaribbean Shipping Association
CSAChief Scientific Adviser (UK)
CSACisco Secure Access (software)
CSACalifornia Space Authority
CSACommunity Service Announcement
CSACytochrome P450
CSAConstruction Safety Association (various organizations)
CSAComputer Software Application
CSACenter for Study Abroad
CSACampus Security Authority (various schools)
CSAChief Software Architect
CSACivil Service Act (various locations)
CSACentre de Stockage de l'Aube (French: Storage Center of Aube; nuclear waste facility)
CSACommon Scrambling Algorithm (encryption)
CSAChief of Staff, Army
CSACurrent Sense Amplifier
CSACentrale de Secours Ambulancier (French: Central Emergency Ambulance)
CSAThe Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord (est. 1971; Christian organizations)
CSAChondroitin Sulfate
CSAComputer Security Act
CSACertified Specialist for Systems Administration
CSACompound Specific Analyzer
CSACommon Scrambling Algorithm
CSACitrix Subscription Advantage
CSACertified Systems Administrator
CSACisco Security Advisory
CSACarrier Service Area
CSAControl Store Arbiter
CSACompression Service Adapter
CSACommon System Area
CSAClient System Agent
CSACallpath Service Architecture
CSAComputer Standards Association
CSACommunications Streaming Architecture
CSACommon Service Area
CSACertified Security Administrator
CSACarry Save Adder
CSACustomized Service Arrangement
CSAChief Security Advisor (various organizations)
CSACurrent State Analysis (various organizations)
CSACommon Sense Advisory (Lowell, MA)
CSACustoms Self-Assessment
CSACustoms Self Assessment (Canada)
CSACertified System Administrator
CSAChartered Secretaries Australia
CSACredit Services Association (UK)
CSACasting Society of America (professional association for casting agents)
CSAComprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act
CSACostume Society of America
CSACommunication Streaming Architecture
CSACeske Aerolinie (Czech Airlines)
CSAComputer Systems Advisers
CSACertificat de Situation Administrative (French: Administrative Status Certificate)
CSACorrections Standards Authority (Canada)
CSACanada Shipping Act
CSACurrent Situation Analysis (business assessment method)
CSAChemical Shift Anisotropy
CSACouncil on Scientific Affairs
CSAChild Savings Account
CSACollectif Stratégies Alimentaires
CSACare Standards Act (UK)
CSAChemical Structure Association
CSACentre for Student Affairs
CSACanadian Snowbird Association
CSAContract Services Association
CSACaribbean Students Association
CSACredit Support Annex
CSAComputer Systems Analyst
CSACenter for Supercomputing Applications
CSACommunity Services Administration
CSACurrent State Assessment (various organizations)
CSAChristian Stewardship Association
CSAConservatoire des Sites Alsaciens (French conservatory)
CSACommuter Student Association
CSAComprehensive System Accounting
CSACorporate Sector Authority (Star Wars)
CSACatholic Student Association
CSAConfiguration Status Accounting
CSACreation Science Association
CSACatholic Services Appeal
CSACaribbean Studies Association
CSAClinical Site Agreement
CSAClub du Setter Anglais (French: English Setter Club)
CSACourt of Special Appeals
CSACentral Student Association (University of Guelph)
CSACross-Sectoral Approach
CSACommunity Services Assistant
CSACarry-Save Adder
CSACamphorsulfonic Acid
CSACarrier Serving Area
CSACryogenic Society of America
CSACustomer Service Associates
CSACost Sharing Arrangement
CSACool Season Annual (agriculture)
CSACroatian State Archives (Zagreb, Croatia)
CSACivil Service Association
CSACustoms Self Assessment Program (Canada)
CSACouncil of School Supervisors and Administrators (New York City, NY, USA)
CSACommunal Studies Association
CSACoaching Science Abstracts
CSACanoeing South Africa
CSACenter for Spiritual Awareness
CSACanberra School of Art
CSACore Service Agency (health care; various locations)
CSACenter for the Study of Autism
CSAChamber of Shipping of America (Washington, DC)
CSAChannel Swimming Association
CSACommonwealth Sugar Agreement
CSACanadian Secular Alliance (Center for Inquiry)
CSAComputer Systems Architecture
CSACommunity Sustained Agriculture
CSAClub Subaquatique Annecy (French underwater club)
CSAContract Sum Analysis
CSACommercial Service Agent (insurance)
CSAContract Service Arrangement (various companies)
CSACzechoslovak Society of America
CSAConservation Service Award
CSACommon Services Architecture (computing)
CSACapitolato Speciale d'Appalto
CSAClub Sportif Artistique (French: Artistic and Sports Club)
CSACompagnie des Sacs et Accessoires (French: Bags and Accessories Company)
CSACritical Shortage Areas (education)
CSAClient Services Application (software)
CSAConservation Status Assessment (various locations)
CSACentro Sportivo Alagoano (Brazilian soccer club)
CSAControlled Spend Account (US DoD)
CSACentre Service Auto (French car repair company)
CSAConstruction Structures Aéronautiques (French: Aircraft Structures Construction)
CSAConservatoire des Sites de l'Allier (French conservatory)
CSACeltic Supporters Association (UK)
CSACapital Structure Arbitrage (trading strategy)
CSACognizant Security Agency
CSAcomp.sys.acorn (newsgroup)
CSAClay Settling Area
CSAConférence Suisse des Architectes (French: Swiss Conference of Architects)
CSACymbidium Society of America
CSAChicago Software Association
CSACustomer Satisfaction Assessment
CSACalifornia Society of Anesthesiologists
CSACockayne Syndrome a
CSAContinental Shelf Associates, Inc
CSACanadian Sport Awards
CSACanadian Shipowners Association
CSACommunity Spirit Award (various organizations)
CSACaribbean Sailing Association
CSACivil Society Actor
CSACustom Support Agreement (Microsoft)
CSAColegio San Agustin (Philippines)
CSAConsulting Services Agreement
CSAContainer Stuffing Activity (US DoD)
CSACatalyzed Signal Amplification
CSACorporate Service Agreement (various companies)
CSAComprehensive Site Assessment
CSACitizen Systems America (printers; Torrance, CA)
CSACentral Service Association
CSACarlton Screen Advertising (Ireland)
CSACommunity Service Association
CSACanadian Society of Agronomy
CSAComputer Software Component
CSACharge Sensitive Amplifier
CSAConseil Sondage Analyses (French: Council Polling Analysis)
CSACommerce Students' Association
CSACoal Supply Agreement
CSAConfederate Stamp Alliance
CSAControlled Substance Abuse
CSAChief of Staff, United States Army
CSACultural Spatial Analysis
CSACommittee for Sustainable Agriculture
CSAConditional Sales Agreement
CSACommon Support Aircraft
CSACommittee of Scientific Advisors
CSACertified Surgical Assistant (National Surgical Assistant Association)
CSACanadians for Safe Access
CSAComputer Skills Assessment
CSAComitato Scientifico Antivivisezionista (Italy)
CSACustomer Support Analyst
CSACalifornia Sociological Association
CSAConejo Simi Aquatics (California)
CSACommon Storage Area
CSAClub Subaquatique Albigeois (French underwater club)
CSAColorado State Archives
CSACelebrity Speakers Associates
CSACarlyle Sailing Association
CSACommon System Area (CICS)
CSACorps Storage Area
CSACrime Syndicate of America (DC comics)
CSAClôture Sécurité Automatisme (French: Closure Safety Automation)
CSACalifornia Seed Association
CSACustomer Service Administration
CSAClub Subaquatique Atlantide (French underwater club)
CSACognizant Security Authority
CSACalifornia Sign Association
CSACoffre Sécurité Aquitaine (French: Safe Security Aquitaine)
CSACanadian Sealers Association
CSAClient Support Administrator
CSACrime Scene Analyst
CSACommission Scolaire des Affluents (school board, Quebec)
CSACross-Sectional Anatomy
CSACenter for the Study of Addiction
CSACompuware Sports Arena (now Compuware Arena; Michigan)
CSACouncil on Student Affairs
CSACanadian Sablefish Association
CSACentenary Supporters Association
CSAClient Service Agent
CSAChirp-Scaling Algorithm
CSACentral Surgical Association
CSAChristian Seniors Association
CSAClinical Staffing Associates
CSACommunications Service Authorization
CSAChemical Safety Audit (EPA)
CSAComponent State Associations
CSAComité Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel
CSAChristian Spanish Academy (Guatemala, private school)
CSAChristian Social Action (magazine)
CSACompression Service Adapter (Cisco)
CSACustomer Service Advocate
CSACivil Servants Agency (Macedonia)
CSAComputer Shogi Association
CSACenter for Student Activities
CSACarleton Student Association (Carleton University, Ontario, Canada)
CSAColleyville Soccer Association
CSACalcutta Statistical Association
CSACommunity Sports Association
CSACanned Subassembly
CSACelebrity Speakers GmbH
CSAContinuing Service Agreement
CSACollege of Sciences and Arts
CSACivil Service Annuitant (retired US federal employees)
CSAConstrained Simulated Annealing
CSACyprus Shipping Association
CSACompliant Systems Architecture
CSACub Scouts of America
CSAChurch of Sweden Aid
CSACommunication Signal Analyzer
CSAChaotic Simulated Annealing
CSACommunity School Alliances
CSACanadian Simmental Association
CSAComité Spécial de l'Agriculture (Fr-EU)
CSACongregational Summer Assembly
CSACenter for Scholarship Administration
CSACanon Software America
CSAConnection and Streaming Architecture
CSACranfield Students' Association (Cranfield University)
CSACottrell Scholar Awards
CSAChinanteco, Chiltepec (SIL code, Mexico)
CSACouncil for Student Activities
CSACollegiate Sports of America, Inc.
CSACouncil of Sailing Associations
CSAChorionic Somatomammotropin A
CSAComputer Simulation and Analysis (Idaho)
CSACambridge Star Atlas
CSACommissariat à la Simplification Administrative (French, Belguim)
CSAChinese Securities Association
CSAColorado Society of Anesthesiologists
CSAConstruction Systems Associates, Inc.
CSACombat Systems Assessment (US Navy)
CSACorinthian Sailing Association
CSAClient Solution Architects
CSACaribbean School of Architecture
CSACorps Support Area
CSAControlled Substance Analog
CSACustomer Serving Area
CSACivilian Staff Association
CSACredit Sale Agreement
CSAConcord Soccer Association
CSACompliance Schedule Approval
CSACompliance Schedule Agreement
CSAContemporary Sound Arts
CSAComputer Systems Australia Pty. Ltd.
CSAClergy Strategic Alliances
CSACommercial Services Agreement
CSACallpath Services Architecture
CSACentral Supply Agency
CSACalled Subscriber Answer
CSACoeliac Society of Australia Inc.
CSAClose Support Area
CSACardiothoracic Surgical Associates
CSAComité de Surveillance de l'Audiovisuel (Europe)
CSACalled Subscriber Internet Address
CSAClaim Service Assistant (insurance)
CSACommand Sergeant Major of the Army
CSACylindrical Sector Analyzer
CSACancer Suspect Agent (s)
CSACommunity Services Act of 1974
CSACareer Service Advisory (Council)
CSAControl Systems Analysis, Inc (Tiverton RI)
CSAComputer Services Association
CSACountermeasures Set, Acoustic
CSACommand Session Abort (ITU-T)
CSACyclic Strain Attenuator
CSAColorado Speakers Association
CSACurious Statistical Anomaly
CSAClinical Sexology Associates
CSACommon Support Applications
CSACountry Situation Analysis
CSACalvert Soccer Association, Inc (Prince Frederick, Maryland)
CSACasualty Surgeons Association
CSAChina Software Association
CSACoupled States Approximation
CSACopyright Society of Australia, Inc.
CSACharge-Sensing Amplifier
CSACorrelation Search Analysis
CSACampbell Stephenson Ascolese LLP (law firm; Austin, Texas)
CSACrescenta Sports Association
CSAChemical Shippers Association
CSACumulative Standard Axles (transportation engineering)
CSAComputer Sales Associate
CSACiphergram Solution Assistant
CSACorrelated Selection Algorithm
CSAConical Spiral Antenna
CSAClub Cards, Systems and Applications
CSAConsular Shipping Advisor
CSACarrier Services Agreement
CSACryptographic Services Adapter
CSACity Square Associates, Inc.
CSACommon Services Area
CSACommercial Systems Analysis Inc.
CSACyber Skills Association
CSACentralized Server Administration (Octel/Avaya)
CSACommercial Service Authorization
CSACritical Stall Angle
CSACompliance System Architecture
CSAClean Sweep Ambassador (Milwaukee, WI, USA)
CSACurrent Sheet Applicator
CSACorporate Services Agency (Queensland)
CSACompany Secretarial Automation
CSACombat Systems Architecture
CSACondroitin Sulphate a
CSAComposite Security Association
CSACounter Spy Act
CSACritical Stakeholder Analysis
CSACharles Street Associates
CSACounter-Strike Agent (gaming)
CSAContract Services Associates
CSAColorado Statutes Annotated
CSACenter for Self Awareness (Columbia, Canada)
CSACOMSEC Servicing Account
CSAColesville Sports Association, Inc.
CSACommittee on Social Action (of Reform Judaism)
CSAConcurrent Servicing Area
CSACommunity and State Affairs (Office of)
CSACOMMECS (Commerce and Economics) School of Accountancy (Pakistan)
CSACanadian Skipping Association
CSACouncil for Scottish Archeology
CSACenter for Semiarid Agroforestry
CSACommand Self Assessment
CSACommunications Support Area (USACOM)
CSACombat Systems Alignment Procedures (TMINS)
CSACongregation Sisters of St Agnes
CSACircuit Switch Agent
CSAChester Swimming Association (UK)
CSACombined Security Area
CSACommunication Support Activity
CSACommittee on State Affairs
CSAConservative Students Association
CSACanterbury Softball Association Inc. (NZ)
CSAConsensus Service Agreement
CSAClub Savoyard d'Aquariophilie (French: Savoyard Club Aquarium)
CSACareer Scholarship Account
CSACommercial Service Area
CSACrash Sensing Algorithm
CSACharyl Stockwell Acadamy (Howell, MI)
CSACenter for Social Assessment
CSACommunity Service of Arizona




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